
We are a nonpartisan news organization serving the city of Sacramento, local areas and California. We provide independent, factual news coverage that holds government officials accountable, finds solutions for community issues and strengthens a diverse and rapidly growing city and home county.

We launched in 2021 to fill the community’s need for more news about local government, schools, business, the environment, health care and other important topics.

We pledge to produce high-quality objective local journalism that informs public decision-making, addresses the quality of life of our community’s citizens, holds our policymakers accountable and tells our readers’ stories by listening to them and making sure they are valued and understood. In all that we do, earning the trust and respect of our audience is paramount. Our reporting will be free to all who access our primary digital channels.

News Sickle Arrow is committed to making Sacramento better through reliable local news reporting and information.

Our mission is to produce trusted and independent local journalism. Whether we are successful is up to you – the audience. We do not publish partisan editorial opinions or candidate endorsements. Rather, we focus on reporting the facts that allow our audiences to form their own opinions.